Georgi Danov: We are now in a process of rapid growth
I have always kept the idea to gain experience and return to Bulgaria. The opportunity to work for Leanplum in Sofia is incredible and hard to refuse
I have always kept the idea to gain experience and return to Bulgaria. The opportunity to work for Leanplum in Sofia is incredible and hard to refuse
They grew up with computers and smart phones, cable TV and the Internet. For them, movement and constant change are a way of existence
Next Generation is an organization of young entrepreneurs, representatives of successful family businesses, who work with passion for a better future
Everyone who has a dream of a car can make it happen. It is all about organization, will and finances
Since 2004, the team of the Applied Research and Communication Foundation has been preparing the report, which provides a reliable annual assessment
A year ago, I predicted that the most distinctive aspect of 2017 would be uncertainty, fueled by, among other things, Donald Trump’s election as president
The center ground of Western politics is known as the field of pragmatism, quiet reason, and evolution, where political actors eschew extremes and seek compromise
Годината е под знака на европейското ни председателство. Бизнесът има позитивни очаквания