How much does Bulgartransgaz earn from the transit of Russian gas through Bulgaria?
What percentage of Bulgartransgaz revenues come from TurkStream transit fees?
What percentage of Bulgartransgaz revenues come from TurkStream transit fees?
Due to the delay in implementing the project to expand the Chiren gas storage facility through drilling, European funding for it is now under question
Labor shortage is one of the main challenges facing businesses in Bulgaria - both for Bulgarian and foreign investors. Due to ever higher labor costs
The 22nd European Week of Regions and Cities concluded yesterday with a closing session attended by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira
Three consortia comprising 56 local and international companies submitted technical and financial bids for the extension of the Bucharest subway
Meeting climate target objectives requires a lot of money, in addition to other things – there is no going around that simple fact
Local and regional governments enjoy the highest rate of trust among Europeans. While the more robust popularity of these authorities has long been established
The 22nd European Week of Regions and Cities officially kicked off today with an opening session at the European Parliament’s Hemicycle Hall
Our answer to the question of whether our country is ready for membership in the Eurozone must always be affirmative
The originally good intention for preserving the nature imposes some thoughtless rules that threaten to erode the European business competitiveness and may cause bankruptcy, warns Ass Prof Dr Milena Angelova